== Humor ==
George Carlin 1972 Class Clown
01 - Class Clown.mp3 02 - Wasted Time - Sharing .mp3
03 - Values (How Much Is Th.mp3 04 - I Used To Be Irish Cat.mp3
06 - Special Dispensation -.mp3 06 - The Confessional.mp3
07 - Heavy Mysteries.mp3 08 - Muhammed Ali - America.mp3
09 - Seven Words You Can Ne.mp3
George Carlin 1972 FM & AM
01 - Shoot.mp3 02 - The Hair Piece.mp3
03 - Sex In Commercials.mp3 04 - Drugs.mp3
05 - Birth Control.mp3 06 - Son Of Wino.mp3
07 - Divorce Game.mp3 08 - Ed Sullivan Self-Taugh.mp3
09 - Let's Make A Deal.mp3 10 - The 11 O'Clock News.mp3
George Carlin 1973 Occupation Foole
207 - Welcome To My Job.mp3 208 - Occupation-Foole.mp3
209 - White Harlem.mp3 210 - The Hallway Groups.mp3
211 - Black Consciousness.mp3 212 - New York Voices.mp3
213 - Grass Swept The Neigh.mp3 214 - Childhood Cliches.mp3
215 - Cute Little Farts.mp3 216 - Raisin Rhetoric.mp3
217 - Filthy Words.mp3
George Carlin 1974 Toledo Windowbox
01 - Goofy Shit.mp3 02 - Toledo Window Box.mp3
03 - Nursery Rhymes.mp3 04 - Some Werds.mp3
05 - Water Sez.mp3 06 - The Metric System.mp3
07 - God.mp3 08 - Gay Lib.mp3
09 - Snot, the Original Rub.mp3 10 - Urinals Are 50 Percent.mp3
11 - A Few More Farts.mp3
George Carlin 1975 Evening with Wally Lando
01 - New News.mp3 02 - Teenage Masturbation.mp3
03 - Mental Hot Foots.mp3 04 - High On The Plane.mp3
05 - Bodily Functions.mp3 06 - Wurds.mp3
07 - For Names Sake.mp3 08 - Baseball-Football.mp3
09 - Good Sports.mp3 10 - Flesh Colored Band-Aid.mp3
11 - Religious Lift.mp3 12 - Radio Dial.mp3
13 - Y Ever.mp3 14 - Unrelated Things.mp3
George Carlin 1977 On the Road
01 - On The Road.mp3 02 - Death And Dying.mp3
03 - Headlines.mp3 04 - Kids Are Too Small.mp3
05 - Rules, Rules, Rules.mp3 06 - Parents' Cliches And C.mp3
07 - Words We Leave Behind.mp3 08 - How's Your Dog.mp3
09 - Supermarkets.mp3
George Carlin 1981 Place for My Stuff
01 Acknowledgements.mp3 02 Opening.mp3
04 First Announcements.mp3 05 Have a Nice Day.mp3
06 Rice Krispies.mp3 07 Second Announcements.mp3
08 Interview with Jesus.mp3 09 Join the Book Club.mp3
10 Abortion.mp3 11 Third Announcements.mp3
12 Ice Box Man.mp3 13 Fourth Announcements.mp3
14 Asshole, Jackoff, Scumba.mp3 15 Fifth Announcements.mp3
16 Fussy eater Part 1.mp3 17 Sixth Announcements.mp3
18 Fussy Eater Part 2.mp3 19 Seventh Announcements.mp3
George Carlin 1984 Carlin on Campus
Carlin On Campus.mp3
George Carlin 1986 Playing With Your Head
01 - Hello & Goodbye.mp3 02 - Love & Regards.mp3
03 - Groups & Charities.mp3 04 - Sports.mp3
05 - Five-Twos.mp3 06 - Losing Things.mp3
07 - Earrings.mp3 08 - Battered Plants.mp3
09 - Things To Watch Out Fo.mp3
George Carlin 1990 HBO special
George Carlin - Doin' It Ag.mp3
George Carlin 1992 Jammin in New York
Jammin' In New York.mp3
George Carlin 1995 Killer Carlin
01 - Mothers Club.mp3 02 - Killer Carlin.mp3
03 - C. Jack & Jolly George.mp3 04 - War Pictures.mp3
05 - The Cool World.mp3 06 - Person To Person.mp3
07 - The Sickest.mp3
George Carlin 1996 Back in Town
Back In Town.mp3
George Carlin 1997 Take-Offs and Put-Ons
01 - Wonderful WINO (Top-40.mp3 02 - Commercials.mp3
03 - Daytime Television.mp3 04 - The Newscast.mp3
05 - The Indian Sergeant.mp3
George Carlin 1999 (1971-1977) Rarities From
01 - George's Disc Jockey T.mp3 02 - Tattoos.mp3
03 - Hitchhiking (Short Ver.mp3 04 - Clerks, Hankies & Emma.mp3
05 - Elmo's Song-Johnny Bad.mp3 06 - Monopoly.mp3
07 - New Sports.mp3 08 - Hitchhiking (Long Vers.mp3
09 - Guacamole.mp3 10 - Nuts In Cake & Toenail.mp3
11 - 400,000 American Music.mp3 12 - Peas.mp3
13 - Losing Your Place.mp3 14 - I'm Musical.mp3
15 - Lost & Found.mp3 16 - Public Affairs.mp3
17 - Snapper Lawn Mowers.mp3 18 - How To Handle A Heckle.mp3
19 - Closing.mp3 20 - The Coney Island Recor.mp3
David Saderis (14 CDs)
01 - Overture - Stan Freberg.mp3
02 - Columbus Discovers America - Stan Freberg.mp3
03 - Pilgrims Progress Take an Indian to Lunch - Stan Freber.mp3
04 - The Thanksgiving Story - Stan Freberg.mp3
05 - The Sale of Manhattan - Stan Freberg.mp3
06 - The Boston Tea Party - Stan Freberg.mp3
07 - Declaration of Independence - Stan Freberg.mp3
08 - The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere - Stan Freberg.mp3
09 - Betsy Ross and the Flag - Stan Freberg.mp3
10 - The Discovery of Electricity - Stan Freberg.mp3
11 - Washington Crosses the Delaware - Stan Freberg.mp3
12 - Yankee Doodle Go Home - Stan Freberg.mp3
13 - The Battle of Yorktown - Stan Freberg.mp3
14 - Finale - Stan Freberg.mp3
01 - Intro & Overture - Stan Freberg.mp3
02 - Madison, Jefferson, Franklin & Osbourne- The First Adve.mp3
03 - 'Madison, Jefferson, Franklin & Osbourne' - Stan Freber.mp3
04 - Madison, Jefferson, Franklin & Osbourne (Part 2) - Stan.mp3
05 - 'America! America!' - Stan Freberg.mp3
06 - Madison, Jefferson, Franklin & Osbourne (Part 3) - Stan.mp3
07 - Rumplemeyer's Horseshoes- The Francis Scott Key Story -.mp3
08 - 'Rumplemeyer's Horseshoes' - Stan Freberg.mp3
09 - Stephen Foster, Beloved Songwriter - Stan Freberg.mp3
10 - Samuel F. B. Morse Sends the First Telegram - Stan Freb.mp3
11 - Abe Lincoln in Analysis - Stan Freberg.mp3
12 - 'Show Folk' - Stan Freberg.mp3
13 - Abe Lincoln at Home in the White House - Stan Freberg.mp3
14 - Barbara Frietchie, Martyr of the Year - Stan Freberg.mp3
15 - 'Shoot If You Must' - Stan Freberg.mp3
16 - Lincoln at Shiloh, with General Grant - Stan Freberg.mp3
17 - 'As Long as You're Up' - 'A Sober Life's a Hard Life' -.mp3
18 - The Appomattox Courthouse Bar & Grill - Stan Freberg.mp3
19 - 'There'll Never Be Another War' - Stan Freberg.mp3
20 - Custer's Last Stand - Stan Freberg.mp3
21 - Alexander Graham Bell and the First Phone Call - Stan F.mp3
22 - Thomas Edison Invents the Light Bulb! the Phonograph! (.mp3
23 - 'Perseverance' - Stan Freberg.mp3
24 - Thomas Edison Invents the Light Bulb! the Phonograph! (.mp3
25 - 'Planned Obsolescence' - Stan Freberg.mp3
26 - The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk - Stan Freberg.mp3
27 - Henry Ford Invents Detroit - Stan Freberg.mp3
28 - 'Perseverance' (Reprise) - Stan Freberg.mp3
29 - The Sinking of the Lusitania - Stan Freberg.mp3
30 - Two Tin Pan Alley Songwriters - Stan Freberg.mp3
31 - 'U-Boat'-'The Guns of August' - Stan Freberg.mp3
32 - 'Hello, Peace, Hello' - Stan Freberg.mp3
33 - 'There'll Never Be Another War' (Reprise) - Stan Freber.mp3
34 - Finale 'America! America' (Reprise) - Stan Freberg.mp3